NRS 465 Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan

NRS 465 Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan

NRS-465: Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan

Implementing capstone change projects needs an effective evaluation plan to determine the effectiveness of the proposed interventions. Project managers and teams evaluate the effectiveness of proposed change interventions based on set objectives by focusing on outcomes, collected data, and utilization of appropriate tools (Melnyk et al., 2022). The purpose of this paper is to describe an evaluation plan for the proposed capstone change project on improving medication adherence among elderly patients with chronic conditions using a mobile application.

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Part I: Evaluation Plan

Project Objective (Goal) Measurable Project Outcome What data will be collected to measure this outcome? What tool will be used to collect the data? Who will be responsible for collecting data?
1. Improve medication adherence among elderly patients with chronic conditions The measurable outcome of this project is to increase medication adherence by 30% among elderly patients with chronic conditions in three months. Observational data will be collected daily and weekly and compiled by nurses attending to patients based on the application. The data will include several alerts, text messages, and reminders for each patient. Nurses will use various tools to collect the data. These include charts, application-enabled alerts and reminders, and reports. For instance, nurses will compile reports daily and weekly detailing their observations, charts, and text messages and alerts received per patient to determine a reduction or rise in the frequency of non-adherence. Nurses will collect data from patients at the bedside and compile it based on the parameters provided in the application.
2. Empower patients to make better decisions and choices in medication adherence Better understanding of medication adherence aspects by patients, their families, and nurses to reduce risk factors for poor medication adherence rates. The data from this objective will entail satisfaction surveys on patients in making decisions and choices. The team will use satisfaction surveys before, during, and after the implementation to determine the effects of the intervention on the patient’s ability to make decisions and choices on improving medication adherence with the help of the application. Nurses will collect data by administering the surveys to patients.
3. Improve poly-pharmacy and manage comorbidity for patients with two or more diagnoses. Enhanced management of poly-pharmacy at individual levels among the patients with comorbid conditions. Data will include the number of medications per patient, the number of illnesses or diagnoses, and the frequency of taking medicines. For instance,

a). How many patients have poly-pharmacy?

The nurse will use a chart to collect data about this objective. The chart will indicate the number of medications and frequency (Liu et al., 2023). A before and after implementation tool will be used to determine the effects of implementing the application. Nurses and nurse managers will collect the data.
4. Improve inter-professional collaboration and approach to patient health promotion. Effective communication and coordination among providers dealing with diverse patients suffering from chronic conditions and using more than one type of medication. The team will use a survey through a questionnaire for all providers to state their experience before and after the implementation of the proposed project. For instance, the questionnaire will ask;

a). Has care improved after implementing the proposed change project?

The team will use a questionnaire to collect data. Nurses will collect the data.


Part II: Communication Plan

How will the data collected be communicated to the team?


The team will collect the data as outlined in the evaluation plan for three months. After this time, the team will collate and analyze the data to determine core themes emanating from the proposed change project. The team will use descriptive statistics to demonstrate the overall effect of the proposed intervention on patients and healthcare providers. The team will prepare comprehensive weekly and monthly reports for presentation to the organizational leaders and managers who will review and evaluate concrete steps and actions by the facility to improve care delivery and address the issue of poor medication adherence among elderly patients (Cao et al., 2024). After the review by the executive managers and leaders, the team will present their findings through staff meetings and special sessions. These sessions and discussions will occur during breaks, especially lunch breaks, where the nursing staff and other providers will access the information and apply it in their practice to reduce non-adherence to medication.



Evaluating a proposed capstone project is important to determine its effectiveness in addressing the identified issue. The proposed intervention of using mobile applications to enhance medication adherence among elderly patients, especially those with comorbidity, is important and will have several yet critical outcomes like improving inter-professional collaboration and communication. The evaluation plan ensures that set objectives and measures meet the desires of the target population. The project will use appropriate tools to collect data and analyze it to determine the effectiveness of the proposed intervention.


Cao, W., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Hassan, I. I., & Kadir, A. A. (2024). mHealth App to improve Medication adherence among older adult stroke survivors: Development and usability study. Digital Health, 10, 20552076241236291.

Liu, J., Yu, Y., Yan, S., Zeng, Y., Su, S., He, T., … & Yue, X. (2023). Risk factors for self-reported medication adherence in

community-dwelling older patients with multi-morbidity and poly-pharmacy: a multicenter cross-sectional study. BMC

Geriatrics, 23(1): 75. DOI:

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott

Williams & Wilkins.



Assessment Traits

Requires Lopeswrite

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment will be to develop an evaluation plan for your capstone change project.

Review your implementation plan including the objectives and outcomes and review your required resources. Then, develop a process to evaluate the intervention if it were implemented.

Use the “Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan” template to complete the assignment.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 3.1


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Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan – Rubric



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Rubric Criteria

Total20 points

Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Insufficient 3. Approaching 4. Acceptable 5. Target
Project Objective

List a minimum of three project objectives.

0 points

A list of project objectives is missing.

6 points

A list of at least three project objectives is incomplete or inaccurate.

6.32 points

A list of at least three project objectives is present but lacks detail.

7.12 points

A list of at least three project objectives is mostly detailed.

8 points

A list of at least three project objectives is thorough and accurate.

Measurable Project Outcome

List a minimum of three measurable project outcomes.

0 points

A list of measurable project outcomes is missing.

4.5 points

A list of at least three measurable project outcomes is incomplete or inaccurate.

4.74 points

A list of at least three measurable project outcomes is present but lacks detail.

5.34 points

A list of at least three measurable project outcomes is mostly detailed.

6 points

A list of at least three measurable project outcomes is thorough.

Data Collection

Explain the type of data that will be collected to measure this outcome.

0 points

An explanation of the type of data that will be collected to measure this outcome is missing.

1.05 points

An explanation of the type of data that will be collected to measure this outcome is incomplete.

1.11 points

An explanation of the type of data that will be collected to measure this outcome is present but lacks detail.

1.25 points

An explanation of the type of data that will be collected to measure this outcome is mostly detailed.

1.4 points

An explanation of the type of data that will be collected to measure this outcome is thorough and accurate.

Necessary Tools

Explain the necessary tools to collect data.

0 points

An explanation of the necessary tools to collect data is missing.

1.05 points

An explanation of the necessary tools to collect data is incomplete or inaccurate.

1.11 points

An explanation of the necessary tools to collect data is present but lacks detail.

1.25 points

An explanation of the necessary tools to collect data is mostly detailed.

1.4 points

An explanation of the necessary tools to collect data is thorough and accurate.

Responsibility of Data Collection

Identify who will be responsible for data collection.

0 points

An identification of who will be responsible for data collection is missing.

0.9 points

An identification of who will be responsible for data collection is incomplete or inaccurate.

0.95 points

An identification of who will be responsible for data collection is present but lacks detail.

1.07 points

An identification of who will be responsible for data collection is mostly detailed.

1.2 points

An identification of who will be responsible for data collection is thorough and accurate.

Data Communication

Describe how the data collected will be communicated to the team.

0 points

A description of how the data collected will be communicated to the team is missing.

0.9 points

A description of how the data collected will be communicated to the team is incomplete.

0.95 points

A description of how the data collected will be communicated to the team is present but lacks detail.

1.07 points

A description of how the data collected will be communicated to the team is mostly detailed.

1.2 points

A description of how the data collected will be communicated to the team is thorough.

Mechanics of Writing

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.

0 points

Errors in grammar or syntax are pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect language choice or sentence structure errors are found throughout.

0.6 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in language choice or sentence structure are recurrent.

0.63 points

Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.

0.71 points

Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and sentence structure are used.

0.8 points

No mechanical errors are present. Appropriate language choice and sentence structure are used throughout.

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